Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Calm and Collective

Calm and Collective

Hey Dolls

Love is in the AIR, How's everyone doing? Great? Me too. I'm thankful for life and to be healthy and to have positive and close people I care about around me. Somebody will always try to steal your shine, and glory REMEMBER THAT. Stay positive and Thankful!
Lets get into this OOTD. I am wearing my favorite summer dress, its elegant but also comfortable and stylish. It's not like those grandma looking dresses with the weirdest patterns and colors. I forgot exactly where I bought this dress but I think it was under $20 and at a store like Forever 21. Shoes are regular flats, and of course my SUMMER hat. If anybody knows what the "Swap Shop" is that's exactly where I got it from I paid like $10 for it! I've been looking for this type of hat since Fall season. I was actually really looking for the bamboo suede hats but I still can't find that particular hat anywhere! But as I said before I'm grateful for what I do have. BE GREAT and hoped you enjoyed reading!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots
Finding yourself, is believing in yourself.
- Chanel Coates

Goodmorning World!
      Hello loves, I am back and I am making sure that I am posting up every 2-3 days. Please get on my case if I am not. Like I was explaining before I have a lot going on, I just started Branding for a Reality Series coming soon in Fall 2015. I'm also a full time student working part time. I have goals for myself so that is what pushes me to keep going. Even when I want to give up and stop I can't because myself won't allow me to. Get to know yourself so that you know what your capable of and your true worth. NO ONE will know that about you, because know one knows YOU like you know YOU. A little inspiration for all my young ladies out there loosing hope, I was once there, I just want to be someone people can look up to because I didn't have that person.
      Are you guys excited cause I am. Its my spring break now and I wanted to go on a cruise, as you can see I'm not surfing somewhere in Jamaica so that didn't work out. There is always a next time though. Todays LOOK of the DAY is Pocka Dots for the SPRING TIME! I love this look like the most because for  long time I was looking for a skirt that flairs open. This look is perfect for a really sunny day with a slight breeze. It would go perfect with anyone living in San Diego, California because it never gets too hot there its literally the PERFECT weather.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful blessed day. If you enjoyed my "Look of the Day" please SHARE, COMMENT, SUGGEST, LEAVE FEEDBACK and SUBSCRIBE!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fasten Your Seatbelts!!

Fasten Your Seatbelts



Wow, Goodmorning!

     March 3rd! Damn, I feel like the year just started, and I feel like I'm already behind. This has been a crazy beginning of the year for me and I just want to give everyone a glimpse of my year so far.

    First off to begin I am done with my first 2 sessions of school, and I am all caught up. School is fun but it gets hard sometimes for me personally because I get easily distracted. I usually have to focus on one thing and debate it amongst needs and wants. When I put my mind to anything though I do it, I just take longer then others trying to perfect it right at the jump. I have to do it right the first time, that's just a standard I set for myself.

 Next, I am not a MODEL. I consider my self a blogger, who adds creativity and spunk, and sexy to her pictures. My intentions of making this site was not to brand myself as a MODEL, I brand myself as a blogger and as an inspiring Brand Ambassador. I am not signed as a model under no contract and I do not get paid for modeling gigs. I would like to pursue that, but I do not consider myself an official MODEL. I blog and talk about my outfits of the day and my personal style. I will begin to make videos once a week, talking about the latest trends of the season and also what's going on now. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments. Now lets get into my outfit of the day.

Spring timeeeeee is right around the corner, I can not wait to show all you my spring lookbook. I haven't started it yet, but I will definitely put one together and put it on my youtube! Todays outfit of the day is super casual and comfy, as you all know I love being comfy and sexy. :)I wore my Timberland boots with some overall shorts a got from a local clothing store, and a blank tank top underneath. Very light weight and comfortable. I wasn't constantly pulling my shorts down because they were rising up my ass, so I consider these overalls really comfy and firm fitting. Thankfully it was super hot outside and I had the perfect to wear. Although it is always rather hot outside in Florida, we have a lot of rainy days that come with that heat. So I appreciate sunny dry days we do have store.https://www.youtube.com/user/AyoooLenahhhc/videos.   Also check out the videos I have done, I am not a video girl either because I do not get paid. ;-) Remember if you have an questions feel free to COMMENT down below and make sure you check out the links below! If you looking to hire me as a Brand Ambassador email me at chanel1993.cc@gmail.com, or email me if you would like personal wardrobe advice or have any questions.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful blessed day. If you enjoyed my "Look of the Day" please SHARE, COMMENT, SUGGEST, LEAVE FEEDBACK and SUBSCRIBE!!!

SWAG SO LOUD - Dude the Artist


Official video for "Swag So Loud" by DTA, Dude the Artist. Visit http://www.dudetheartist.com/ to hear more music and learn more about him, a true hip hop artist from Palm Beach, Florida.
Subscribe to this channel to be amongst the first to see new upcoming videos.

Official Music Video 1up - Stay Silent @TheReal1up

Featuring lead girl - Chanel Coates